Project of decoding of The Stermer Effect, Детальна інформація

Project of decoding of The Stermer Effect
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 2
Предмет: Іншомовні роботи
Автор: Олексій
Розмір: 4.3
Скачувань: 915
B2O3 + Mg ( B+...

The author of the above hypothesis wrote his degree paper on silicon carbide light-emitting diode, that is why the ending of the forth series is the most simple- it is a modern light-emitting diode. Silicon carbide is alloyed with nitrogen and boron with ‘some participation’ of fluorine.

Approximately the same way diamond is alloyed with participation of fluorine in laboratories of ‘other civilisations’, as can be seen at the ending of the first series. In the middle of the forth series corundum, the base of ruby, is also alloyed with boron, nitrogen and fluorine. In the fifth series simply fluorine is educed as a useful but very aggressive gas.

Inert neon seems to divide optoelectronic devices.

In conclusion, some repeated applications should be noticed: fluorine favours in a way either diffusion of boron or electronic processes in forbidden zones of diamond, silicon carbamide; for some reason magnesium contacts are used.

In 1928 semi-conductor devices were not in use on Earth.

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