Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth, Детальна інформація

Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 8
Предмет: Іншомовні роботи
Автор: Олексій
Розмір: 14.5
Скачувань: 888
B) No, I would take a loan, but will drink/somebody would treat. C)

No, I earn money myself.

19. Comparing with the previous year, do you drink:

А) Less/less frequent C) As much/with the same frequency

B) More/more often

20. Did alcohol affect your study results, from your point of view?

А) No B) Yes, they become better C) Yes, they become worse.

21. How did you pass the previous exams/entry exams?

A) Excellent B) Well

C) Satisfactory D) Failed

22. Why do you drink alcohol? (Several answers are possible)

А) To remove stress

B) To raise the mood

C) To support to company

D) To celebrate some holiday

E) Your variant of answer_________________________________

23. Do you care, what others think, when they see you drunken? (Except people, who know you)

А) No, if they are not policemen B) Yes

24. Have you ever had extrinsic behavioural manifestations

(aggressiveness/depression) connected with the consumption of alcohol?

А) Yes B) No

25. Did you have blackouts (of a non- traumatic nature)?

А) Yes, once/sometimes B) No

26. Do you smoke?

А) Yes

B) No

27. Do you take drugs, even the weakest ones?

А) Yes, have tried once C) Yes

B) Yes, but very- very rarely D) No

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