Вплив батькiвської сiм`ї на формування моделi шлюбу у сучасної молодi, Детальна інформація

Вплив батькiвської сiм`ї на формування моделi шлюбу у сучасної молодi
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 2
Предмет: Соціологія
Автор: CoolOne
Розмір: 8.9
Скачувань: 3510
4. Naiuey a nenoaia i\x00F0aanoaaiiiai ainieoaiey. Iniiaiua i\x00F0iaeaiu ainieoaiey iiae\x00F0inoeia, I.,1979.

5. Oa\x00F0/aa A.A. A\x00F0ae e naiuey NNN\x00D0. I., 1979.


O aeai\x00B3e noaoo\x00B3 i\x00F0aaenoaaeaii nenoaiiee i\x00B3aeo\x00B3ae aei aea/aiiy aieeao aaouee\x00B3anueei? n\x00B3i’? ia iiaeaeue oethao no/anii? iieiae\x00B3. A oiae\x00B3 aeine\x00B3aeaeaiiy aoee aeae\x00B3eai\x00B3 noee\x00B3 n\x00B3iaeieo aca\x00BAiei \x00B3 n\x00B3iaei\x00B3 \x00F0ie\x00B3, eio\x00F0\x00B3 iiaeaeththoueny iieiaeei iiae\x00F0oaeaeyi. Anoaiiaeaii, ui oa\x00F0aeoa\x00F0 i\x00B3aeiniaeno\x00B3nieo noinoie\x00B3a a iieiae\x00B3e n\x00B3i’? aaaaoi a /iio a\x00B3aeiia\x00B3aea\x00BA oa\x00F0aeoa\x00F0o aca\x00BAiei o aaouee\x00B3anuee\x00B3e n\x00B3i’?. Aaoi\x00F0 ia\x00F0aaeaa/a\x00BA ui aeioethaia ae\x00B3aaiinoeea, ineoieia\x00B3/ia eiinoeueoaoe\x00B3y iieiaei? n\x00B3i’? aeanoue ciiao aeyaeoe i\x00F0iaeaii\x00B3 ciie iiae\x00F0oaeiuei? aaeaioaoe\x00B3? oa noi\x00F0ioaaoe aeanio iiaeaeue n\x00B3i’? oa n\x00B3iaei\x00B3 ii\x00F0ie.


This article present the systematical approach to the study of the influence of parental family on the model of modern young marriage.

During our research the styles of family’s relations and spouse roles which are modelling by young marriage were picker out.

It is established that the character of interpersonal relations in a young marriage answers the character of relations in the parental family.

The author foresees that the before marriage diagnostics, psychological consultation of young marriage will give opportunity to expose problematical zones of spouse’s adaptation and to form model of the family and family’s norms.

( Iooeaae/ Ie\x00F0ineaaa \x00B2aai\x00B3aia

aeeeaaea/ eaoaae\x00F0e i\x00F0aeoe/ii? ineoieia\x00B3? Aieeinueeiai aea\x00F0aeaaiiai oi\x00B3aa\x00F0neoaoo \x00B3i. Ean\x00B3 Oe\x00F0a?iee.

263007, Eooeuee, i\x00F0. Iieiae\x00B3 8a, ea.307. \x00D0iai/ee oae. 5-94-80 (aeaiiee)

Aeiiaoi\x00B3e oae. 5-94-80 (aa/\x00B3\x00F0i\x00B3e)



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