Что такое сатанизм, Детальна інформація

Что такое сатанизм
Тип документу: Бібліотека
Сторінок: 13
Предмет: Філософія
Розмір: 31.7
Скачувань: 845
жает окружающих.

10. Рекомендуемые литературные источники:

(все источники и краткие комментарии к ним заимствованы из

постинга locklin@titan.ucs.umass.edu (Lupo the Butcher) и

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_The Satanic Bible_, by Anton Szander LaVey, Avon Books, 1969.

Presents the Satanic views and doctrines of the Church of Satan,

along with an introduction to its rituals.

_The Compleat Witch_ (the new edition is called _The Satanic Witch_),

by Anton LaVey, Lancer Books, 1971.

_The Satanic Rituals_, by Anton LaVey, University Books, 1972.

More books discussing LaVey's brand of Satanism.

_The Secret Life of a Satanist_ by Barton Blanche, Mondo Press.

The authorized biography of Anton LaVey, and a basic guide to

Satanic philosophy.

_The Second Coming_, by Arthur Lyons, 1970 [out of print]

A history of Satanism through the Middle Ages and the modern era.

_Satan Wants You_, by Arthur Lyons, Mysterious Press (Warner), 1988.

Presents an overview of Satanism and the history of Satan, plus

an in-depth look at popular misconceptions.

_The Black Arts_, by Richard Cavendish, Perigee Books (Putnam), 1967.

An objective introduction to magic, demonology, and classical

views of Satanism.

_Black Magic in Theory and Practice_, by Michael Aquino.

_The Necronomicon_ [by the Mad Arab], Avon Books, 1977.

Purported ritual book of great efficacy. Generally regarded as

fiction interspersed with translations of Mesopotamian texts.

Mileage may vary, depending on how seriously you take babble.

_The Satan Seller_, Mike Warnke's imagination, Logos International,


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