Decline of Ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783), Детальна інформація

Decline of Ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783)
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 8
Предмет: Історія України
Автор: Ліпіч Віталій
Розмір: 10.1
Скачувань: 2999
canals, connecting Caspian Sea with Baltic Sea, where some 20000

Cossacks perished during years 1721 to 1725.

Polubotok was an honest and energetic man. He managed to improve

law and order within Cossack establishment and to improve living

conditions of the population. However this did not please Russian

authorities, who relied on disorder and corruption to maintain their

grip on Ukraine. They feared Polubotok's growing popularity and his

efforts to re establish Hetmanate.

Velmyaninow complained to tsar that Polubotok was not complying

with his directives. Consequently Polubotok was arrested and

interrogated under torture in Petropavlowsk fort, near St Petersburg.

He died there, as a martyr for Ukrainian cause in autumn 1724, in spite

of tsar's belated efforts to save him and to reconcile with Cossacks.

tsar Peter died soon after, at the beginning of year 1725.

Ukraine was thus left at the mercy of Velmyaninow and his henchmen.

As for Cossack colonels, some were in prison near St Petersburg and

others, who were not already replaced by Russians, kept quiet and to

scared to resist.

tsar Peter was succeeded by his wife Catherine. Faced with possible

war with Turkey, she needed Cossacks and wanted to return to them some

of their former freedoms. However she faced a stiff opposition from the

"old guard" in Russian government, therefore Cossacks received only few

minor concessions. Catherine died in spring 1727 and the grandson of

tsar Peter, Peter II became the emperor of Russia.

The new Russian government sacked Velmyaninow and his "Little

Russian Collegiate", released Cossack colonels from jail and appointed

70 year old Danylo Apostol as Cossack hetman. On 1st October 1727

Apostol was formally accepted by Cossacks by ceremonious election in


Although reporting to Russian "resident" Naumow, new hetman managed

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