Навчання фонетичного матеріалу, Детальна інформація

Навчання фонетичного матеріалу
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 18
Предмет: Мова, Лінгвістика
Автор: фелікс
Розмір: 26.5
Скачувань: 2549
2. It’s a pity he is so timid.

3. That will take time.

4. The train is twenty minutes behind the time.

5. I don’t want to take this toast.

6. Two tired teachers were trying to turn their attention to the time-table.

Timothy Trotter trots to town.

To shop for his pet rabbit.

Lettuce he buys and carrot tops.

For that’s his weekly habbit.


dog, said, ready, couldn’t

date, bad, leader, bad, dog, hidden

1. The kid’s as good as gold.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. Dumb dogs are dangerous.

The Time – Table of Lazy-Bones Grundy

Lazy – bones Grundy

Must do sums on Monday,

“And today it is Tuesday,

Says Lazy-bones Grundy,

“So I’ll do it on Wednesday,

If not, then on Thursday,

Or even on Friday”.

Says Lazy – bones Grundy.

Now, very soon comes Friday

And Saturday comes,

But Lazy-bones Gruendy

Has no time for sums.

“Never mind”, says Grundy,

“I’ll do it on Sunday”.

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