Прочитати і перекласти, Детальна інформація

Прочитати і перекласти
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 3
Предмет: Мова, Лінгвістика
Розмір: 9.5
Скачувань: 1205
Драматизація розмови між Джулією і сином.

4. Розвиток монологічного мовлення у зв’язку з прочитаним.

а) Перевірка розуміння змісту за допомогою питань.

T: Give laconic answers to the following questions:

- Did Julie know the inner world of her son?

- Why did she want to work him at law?

- What was her attitude towards her son?

- What was the crucial moment in Roger’s life?

- Why did he want to become a priest?

б) Навчальна бесіда в режимі “Teacher-Class”

T: share your thoughts and views on the following:

- Are such families an exception? Don’t you think that many families live in the atmosphere of make-believe?
















ere of make-believe stifling?

- Julia said: “You make me feel as if I hadn’t done my duty to you.” Why do you think the duty of a mother is towards her children. Did Julia do her duty to Roger?

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