Прочитати і перекласти, Детальна інформація

Прочитати і перекласти
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 3
Предмет: Мова, Лінгвістика
Розмір: 9.5
Скачувань: 1205
- Roger told his mother that he wanted reality. It is easy to live in the real world? Is the world of make-believe or reality easier for you?

в) Висловлювання студентів з використанням логічно-структурної схеми.

T: Say everything you can about Julie. What impressed you in her? What kind of person is she? Use the following scheme when speaking of Julie. What do you think it was that distinguished her from other people?

г) Визначення стилістичних особливостей твору та ставлення автора до героїні.

T: What qualities do you think the author appreciates in Julie and what not?

what devices does he use?

5. Непідготовлене ситуативне мовлення.

а) Рольова гра “Інтерв’ю з Джулією”.

T: You are a journalist. You are going to interview Julie. Ask her questions.

б) Дискусія на запропоновану тематику.

- They say the world rests on the Mother’s Heart. Is that so?

- How would you explain that since the time people got their human awareness they have created innumerable portraits of Mother?

- Can you say that your family is a unit? Who’s the heart of it?

- Have you ever had a heart-to-heart talk with your parents? Do you treasure them? Who is it easier for you to trust your secrets to?

- Do you feel any kinship of souls with your father of mother?

- When do we say that a family is “incomplete”?

- Speak about you Mother. Say if you always rely on her, let her in all you secrets, seek for encouragement.

ІІІ. Психологічний тест.

Поради для батьків у вихованні дітей.

T: Give some advises for parents about how to deal with their children.

Make a list of “Dos” and ”Don’ts”.

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