Реалізація формуючої індивідуалізації навчання монологічного мовлення учнів старших класів ліцеїв, Детальна інформація

Реалізація формуючої індивідуалізації навчання монологічного мовлення учнів старших класів ліцеїв
Тип документу: Реферат
Сторінок: 12
Предмет: Мова, Лінгвістика
Розмір: 18.7
Скачувань: 1500
making lists

choral repetition

free writing

physical response

to instraction

Завдання 5. Discuss your ideas with the rest of your class.

Для домашнього завдання можливо дати таку анкету.

Do you have a positive attitude?

Tick (the sentence if it is true. Put a cross (if it is not true. If you don‘t know, put a ?.

I am usually very active in class.

English is a difficult language.

It is important to study at home.

I like to think about the rules of English.

English spelling is crazy.

I like to use my imagination.

I can‘t understand English grammar. It is too complicated.

I can learn from my mistakes.

I am good at English.

I enjoy learning English.

I don‘t want to speak in English. I feel shy.

If i don‘t understand, I ask the teacher or another student.


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20 – 31 You are very positive about learning English. Well done!

10 – 20 Not bad! Try to be more positive – it will help you learn better. Remember to be active in class. Don’t be afraid to speak. You can learn from your mistakes.

0 – 10 You feel a bit negative about learning English. Why? Try to find something you like about English, and practise that. You can be good, you just need time and practise.

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